Recommended Resources

Be inspired by these resources and please tell me about other resources that you find helpful. As you begin to apply what you learn, consider the value to yourself of gaining knowledge about online marketing. Kindle your irrepressible desire to learn. Staying the same or regressing will never again enter your mind!

What is Your Apex Business Owner Profile?
Of the 1.2 Million businesses started each year in the US, over 40% fail the first year, 80% within five years, and of those remaining, 80% fail in the next five years.  20% survive the first five years, 96% are gone after 10*.   WHY?
Because we focus on our strengths and don’t cover for our weaknesses. Find out which are your strengths and get others to cover for your weaknesses.

“Making Money Is Killing Your Business” equips you to set and achieve you Business Maturity Date. You begin by identifying you Lifetime Goal and your Ideal Lifestyle and then by putting into place the processes that are needed to make those a reality.

Essentialism: The Art of Less

This book “Essentialism; the art of less” teaches you how to distinguish between background noise and your own real voice. It widens your perspective to see that you have a choice to decide what you want to do with your life at any point. It teaches you that less can and is usually more when it comes to lifestyle. It teaches you how to produce bigger results with even lesser efforts.

How to be present and productive

1st Gear: Recharge Mode – Personal recharge, completely unplugged / 2nd Gear: Connect Mode – Being present with family or friends without work / 3rd Gear: Social Mode – Present with people and can shift up or down easily / 4th Gear: Task Mode – Multitasking; working hard in various ways / 5th Gear: Focus Mode – Task-centered; fully focused and moving quickly / R Gear: Responsive Mode – Backing up or apologizing when necessary

The Step-By-Step System

Writing copy that sells without seeming “salesy” can be tough, but is an essential business skill. How To Write Copy That Sells is a step-by-step guide to writing fast, easy-to-read, effective copy. It’s for everyone who needs to write copy that brings in cash – including copywriters, freelancers, and entrepreneurs