Economic Justice Textbook

Liberty & Justice of Economic Equilibrium

A PICTURE OF EQUILIBRIUM: This is a book about the economic justice perspective.

· How important is the discovery of codified law?

It minimizes ego-driven interpretation. Law and order has fallen into their hands with the consequence being a total disconnection between law and economics and a total disruption of the natural processes of human civilization.

· There is a relationship between economic justice and human civilization.

‘Hanging in the balance’ is civilization, which is constantly moved by equilibrium forces and strongly dependent on economic justice.

· A foundation of ten principles underlie peace and prosperity.

This is a fallacy: that if all of the trappings of institutionalized statism are removed then the result would be chaos. Underneath it all is something rock solid.

· What is different about “Liberty & Justice of Economic Equilibrium”?

You will not find any other economic justice textbook. And you will not find any other economic justice model. And most certainly you will not find any that honors human subjectivity!

· We can find examples of emerging economic justice.

The model and theory are helpful in discovering examples of economic justice of all types and scales. The highest form of justice is voluntary social cooperation.

· And much, much more!

Read the Foreword by Dr. Suheil Bushrui.