Entrepreneurship and a Disoriented Life!

Adults Learn In An Disoriented Environment

Entrepreneurs are always immersed in a disoriented environment.

Entrepreneurship and life, Entrepreneurship and a Disoriented Life!

By Bruce Koerber

Carla woke early, with the thoughts of the day ahead racing through her mind. She had to make some choices and those choices had to serve her customers. How can she be sure want they want or how will she be able to reach them with the news? That is one of the reasons Carla cherishes the quiet meditative time she sets aside every morning to care for herself and to see the big picture and learn.

Children are like sponges and they soak up everything almost instantaneously which is how they learn. Adults learn differently. Adults have a false confidence – that they know things – and this greatly reduces our ability to learn. Adults learn from being disoriented, from feeling uncomfortable and becoming a seeker again (and again). That is what makes us hungry learners.

Entrepreneurs are hungry (sometimes literally, haha!!!) and are immersed in the market processes which is very dynamic and  full of uncertainty. But that is a good thing!

“We need to be shaken from our reality before we’ll listen.”

Carla values the time she spends each morning to find her bearings and she recognizes that the uncertainty that she faces as an entrepreneur is making her a better person in all aspects of her life. That is in addition to being able to serve her customers in ways that make their lives better.

Not only is learning pleasurable to the human mind but it contributes to the feeling of true wealth that we all seek. If you are a learner you feel successful: isn’t that so?

In a very real sense learning is a powerful experience because it is fun!!! Children have fun playing and that is because they are learning from their play. Adults have fun by learning also but that is somewhat conditioned by living a disoriented life. As a example of the fun that is part of your experience of being an entrepreneur check out ‘The Business Owner’s Game”.

The life of an entrepreneur is a disoriented life to be sure!

It is a mindset of alertness and servitude: What do people want and need and how can I ‘make it so’ to quote Star Trek Captain Jean Luc Picard? It is also a willingness to bear the risks involved in trying to satisfy the wishes of the consumers. So many unknowns! You don’t have to be an explorer of the universe in a futuristic spaceship to face unknowns; unknown encounters, unknown resources, unknown time constraints, unknown destinies, unknown outcomes.

The life of the entrepreneurs is a life of learning  therefore it is a life of joy and pain, the essence of life. Yet at the same time it is what drives the economy forward. It is an essential part of an ever-advancing civilization and all you have to do to be one of the catalysts of this change is to learn and serve.

Live the delightfully disoriented life of an entrepreneur and you will make a positive difference in the world.

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