Entrepreneurship Is The Science Of Continuous Epiphanies – Divine Economy Theory

Each and every day you and I are entrepreneurs even if we don’t know it or even if we don’t act upon it. We’re humans so we cannot help from being entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurs have aha moments. Our life, and all the actions that constitute our life, is a continuous string of entrepreneurship. As you can tell by looking around there are different degrees of the application of the science of entrepreneurship and regardless of the degree it is continuous.

We are all searching for those moments when we discover something that solves our problem or the problems of others. That is what we consider to be a “jackpot” and we regard the moment when it catches our attention as an epiphany. Epiphanies are relatively infrequent and highly treasured. We do our best to arrange our life’s circumstances so that we can be receptive and perceptive of that glorious experience, that epiphany. The difference between the latent entrepreneur and the active entrepreneur is the intention given towards creating the circumstances needed for a flourishing alertness of mind and spirit.

Personally I can identify nine major entrepreneurial epiphanies in my life so far but the minor ones are happening constantly. It all depends on how alert we are to what is going on around us and what kind of transformation we are experiencing in our life.

True economic science recognizes that entrepreneurship is the science of continuous epiphanies.

Entrepreneurship is the science of continuous epiphanies

The major entrepreneurial epiphanies can be regarded as providing a framework, a framework of transformation and a framework for the flourishing of lesser but still vital epiphanies that are a part of the experience of continuous epiphanies.

Economics which honors the subjective nature of human valuations and choices is the science of human action. Nothing is more to the point in the realm of human action than entrepreneurship. It is the driving force of the economy and it is a quality possessed by every human being. Mostly it is latent but that is why understanding entrepreneurship as the science of continuous epiphanies is so important.

It is helpful to know where value originates in the minds and hearts of people which is why taking a look at this new model will reorient your thinking in a positive way.

It is possible by the means of the advancement of this science to transform latency into action. This is what will advance the economy which in turn will release all the marvelous potencies needed to stimulate even more entrepreneurship. Epiphanies are cherished and deeply valued by every human being and now we know that these special experiences are within the realm of science and can be studied and used for the furtherance of civilization. What an epiphany! This is another one of those aha moments.